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Trees -- Growth


View Resource Henri D. Grissino-Mayer's Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages: Supplies for Tree-ring Research

On this definitive site for researchers in the field of dendrochronology, Henri Grissino-Mayer (formerly of Valdosta State University, Georgia) has a useful and practical list of tools for conducting field and laboratory research. In addition to a hypertext-linked list, the site includes helpful tips to help make the task of tree-ring dating easier.
View Resource NPR: Bushwhacking with a Big-Tree Hunter A Walk on the Wild Side with Bob Van Pelt

Some people hunt animals and others hunt for trees. In this National Public Radio story, one in a special series called Big Trees and the Lives They've Changed, Ketzel Levine accompanies the foremost big tree hunter into the forests of the northwest. While they do find some big trees, it's what they don't find -- the absence of big trees -- that's most illuminating. By big, we're talking trees...
View Resource State of the World's Forests 1997

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization provides this book (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only), which "presents information on the current status of the world's forests, major developments over the reporting period (1995-1997), and recent trends and future directions in the forestry sector." SOFO provides information on global forest cover, including estimates for 1995, change from...