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(6 classifications) (5 resources)

Earthquake hazard analysis

Bibliography (1)
California, Southern. (1)
Databases (1)
Maps (2)
Study and teaching (1)
United States. (3)


California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN)

The California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) was formed to serve emergency response, engineering, and scientific communities with a better understanding of the earthquakes and mitigation. After learning about CISN's mission and organizational layout, visitors can discover upcoming seminars and other events. At the Earthquake Info link, users can find earthquake maps, felt reports, and data....
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering

Based at the University of California, Berkeley, the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE) is a public service of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center. NISEE was started in 1972 and the site contains hundreds of publicly sponsored technical reports, research papers, data sets, and other materials related to scholarly investigations in this field. Visitors...
Seismic Waves

The first site for this Topic in Depth comes from the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Technological University and is called What Is Seismology? (1). The site describes the basics of seismology, the various types of waves associated with it, and even contains a link that shows you how to make your own P and S waves. Next is the Earthquakes Overview site (2...
US Geological Survey: National Earthquake Information Center

The National Earthquake Information Center offers a searchable database, near real-time earthquake coordinate information, and global seismograph station information, among other resources.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

This site serves as a portal to all US Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake information, both real-time and historic. At the site, visitors can find information on past, present, and predicted future earthquake activity; access a range of publications, maps, and fact sheets; use a number of earthquake education activities; link to various earthquake research centers; and read in-depth information...