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Global environmental change -- Research

Databases (1)


Canadian Institute for Climate Studies

The Canadian Institute for Climate Studies, created by the Meteorological Service of Canada and the Province of British Columbia, investigates the variability and potential change of climate systems and applies this knowledge to decision making in the public and private sectors. This expansive website illustrates the research pursuits of the four divisions: Climate Scenarios, Climate Applications,...
Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network

The Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) offers a fine range of educational materials for educators hoping to build their students' "understanding of the core ideas in climate and energy science." Visitors can look over the What's New area to learn about updated lesson plans, classroom activities, and featured resources like "Soil Microbes and Global Warming." Users shouldn't miss...
Department of Geosciences Environmental Studies Laboratory

This Web site depicts the research efforts in environmental variability and change by the Environmental Studies Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Students and educators can learn about the group's current paleoenvironmental research throughout the world including Arctic System Variability, Atlantic Variability, and Northern African Climate Dynamics. Researchers can learn how to obtain...
Human Development Report 2007/2008

Released biennially by the United Nations Development Programme, the Human Development Report offers informed commentary and analysis of issues that affect humans across the world. In past years, the report has dealt with civil wars, starvation, economic growth, gender inequality, and a wide range of pressing matters. Released at the end of November 2007, this edition of the Human Development...
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change

Founded in 1991, the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change is an interdisciplinary organization that conducts research, independent policy analysis, and public communication on issues of global environmental change. The very cornerstone of the Program is the MIT Integrated Global System Model (ISGM) which is a "comprehensive research tool for analyzing potential...
New Security Beat

The New Security Beat is the official blog of the Environmental Change and Security Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center. The site contains a cornucopia of content, including video updates, working papers, publications, opinion pieces, and other materials for scholars and policy enthusiasts. The materials are divided into seven areas, including Multimedia, Film, and Publications. One award-winning...
Reports from a Warming Planet

Never afraid to take on controversial topics, American RadioWorks has recently released this special report on the early signs of climate change. For this particular report, they brought together a team of eleven young reporters who were led by noted environmental journalist Sandy Tolan. Their assignment was to identify different places around the world where global warming was making changes to...
US Global Change Research Program

The homepage of the US Global Change Research Program offers a great deal of material about its research to understand, assess, and predict global change. Users can find links to the many governmental organizations participating in research about global carbon cycle, land use and land cover change, atmospheric composition, and other investigations on the interactions of natural and human-induced...