A cooperative effort of University of California-Davis, Oregon State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Idaho, EXTOXNET (the Extension Toxicology Network) is an online resource providing "objective, science-based information about pesticides" and other toxic chemicals. First-time viewers will find useful information in the FAQ section, which covers...
The US Environmental Protection Agency has recently released a final regulation for Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater. This involves the approval of several test procedures for measuring the toxicity of effluents and receiving waters, which are referred to as whole effluent toxicity or WET test methods. Visitors can download the entire 275...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a series of Parametric Probability Distributions to be used in conjunction with the previously released Exposure Factors Handbook. Whereas the Exposure Factors Handbook provides summaries of available statistical data on several factors used in assessing human exposure to toxic chemicals, the Parametric Probability Distributions document...
The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC) works "to document and expose the hazards of the high-tech industry and to promote environmental and economic sustainability and accountability in the electronics industry, the fastest growing manufacturing sector in the world." To those ends, the SVTC Website offers three interactive Eco Maps showing Toxic Chemical Point Sources, Cumulative Exposure...
The Toxic Plant Database was developed by a team of Professors working through Texas Cooperative Extension, a division of the Texas A&M University System. Although the database focuses on toxic plants in Texas, many of the plants are found in other states as well as Mexico. This is a well-organized website containing pictures, maps, plant descriptions, information on the toxic agent, symptoms of...
Tox Town, a Web-based project of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), is "an interactive guide to commonly encountered toxic substances." This highly visual Web site provides a wealth of information and related resources, such as an introduction to everyday locations where toxic chemicals might lurk, non-technical descriptions of toxins, the effect of toxins on human health, and more. Users...
The Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) at the US National Library of Medicine has developed an Internet gopher offering free access to national and international information resources and convenient connection to NLM's MEDLARS online databases. Included in the TEHIP gopher are a variety of publications (e.g., the bibliographic publication produced by TEHIP:...
Created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) is a fine resource for searching databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases. On the site, visitors can look over the Most Visited databases to get started, or are welcome to use common popular searches. All told, there are over a dozen high quality databases assembled...