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Ducks -- Nests

Prairie Pothole Region. (4)


Differential Effects of Coyotes and Red Foxes on Duck Nest Success

The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center posts online biological resources. Marsha Sovada and others wrote this paper, examining the hypothesis that "nest success of upland-nesting ducks is higher in areas with coyotes than in areas with red foxes." The paper was originally published in 1995 in the Journal of Wildlife Management [59(1):1-8]. All three resources may be downloaded online as...
Duck Nest Success on Conservation Reserve Program Land in the Prairie Pothole Region

The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC) continues to place scientific/ management resources online for general viewing. This resource, by H.A. Kantrud was originally published in 1993 in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation [48(3):238-242] and examines nest success of dabbling ducks on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land. It may be browsed online or downloaded as a .zip...