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Wildlife monitoring

Canada. (3)
North America (2)
Statistical methods (1)


The North American Bird Banding Program: Bird Banding Laboratory

This Web site from the US Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Bird Banding Laboratory provides a variety of information on bird banding in North America. Data gathered from banded birds "increases our knowledge and understanding of birds and their habitats and assists us in their management and conservation." This Web site serves a broad audience including permitted banders,...
Urban Wildlife

The city is often characterized as the antithesis of wilderness. At the same time, many urban areas are home to large populations of various wild animals. In an effort to learn more about the animals living in our midst, this Topic in Depth takes a look at websites concerned with urban wildlife. The first (1) site, from Urban Wildlife Rescue, briefly describes problems related to trapping and...
Wildlife Protection Society of India

Since its inception in 1994, the Wildlife Protection Society of India (WSPI) has been "providing support and information for authorities who are combating poaching and the escalating illegal wildlife trade-particularly in wild tigers. It has now broadened its focus to deal with human-animal conflicts and provide support for research projects." Site visitors can learn about the activities of...