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Wildlife research

North America (1)


Desert USA: Desert Animals and Wildlife

This great educational website about Desert Animals and Wildlife was created by DesertUSA, a publication designed to explore and educate about "the beauty, life, and culture of North American deserts." The Desert Animals and Wildlife homepage contains extensive lists of links to sites for different Mammals, Birds and Fish, Reptiles and Amphibians, and Insects and Spiders. The animal link...
Texas Tech University: The Mammals of Texas, Online Edition

Mammalogists and wildlife enthusiasts alike will find great value in this online edition of the classic text, _The Mammals of Texas_ authored by Drs. William B. Davis and David J. Schmidly. This very well-organized and comprehensive website is hosted by Texas Tech University and "incorporates the complete text and graphics content of the 1994 revision..." of _The Mammals of Texas_. For those...
Urban Wildlife

The city is often characterized as the antithesis of wilderness. At the same time, many urban areas are home to large populations of various wild animals. In an effort to learn more about the animals living in our midst, this Topic in Depth takes a look at websites concerned with urban wildlife. The first (1) site, from Urban Wildlife Rescue, briefly describes problems related to trapping and...