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Computer network protocols -- Standards

Computer network resources (2)


View Resource 10 Gigabit Ethernet Technology Overview White Paper

Released by the 10 Gigabit Ethernet Alliance in May 2002, this white paper discusses 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) technology and the development of the forthcoming standard. 10GbE is ten times faster than the current support for one gigabit per second, and it has the potential to be a dominant form of network technology. The report summarizes some of the key similarities and differences between...
View Resource PC Lube and Tune

The objective of PC Lube and Tune "is to supply usable introductions, tutorials, and education on technical subjects to the large audience of computer users." For example, an article added January 20, 2003, looks at the history and evolution of the graphical user interface. The author demonstrates how computers interpret items such as the mouse, toolbars, and menus. Another article explains the...
View Resource TCPA: Trusted Computing Platform Alliance

The Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA) is one of the most high-profile operations for the development and adoption of an industry standard for personal computer security. The main participants in the TCPA are Compaq, HP, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft. This Web site has many documents written for or about the alliance. The most significant resource is the latest version of the main...