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Water -- Pollution

California. (1)
Economic aspects (3)
Great Lakes (North America) (10)
Mississippi River. (2)
United States (8)


View Resource Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Loads in the San Joaquin River Basin, California, January and February 2000

The report, "Diazinon Levels in Sacramento and San Joaquin Basin Rivers Lower Than in 1990s", was released June 20, 2002 by the US Geological Survey in cooperation with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. The abstract can be read on this site and the entire publication can be downloaded and viewed free of charge using the available link.
View Resource EPA: NonPoint Source Kids Page

At this website, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) educates children about the United States' largest source of water contamination - non-point source pollution. Students can learn how they can prevent non-point source pollution in their homes and when taking part in recreational activities. Users can find a variety of educational games and activities such as developing a rain gauge. The...
View Resource Oil, Out of Control

Oil, Out of Control is an in-depth Whyfiles story that follows from news coverage of an oil spill off Spain's northwest coast in 2002. This Web site offers a straight look at the issues surrounding this and other famous oil spills, particularly that of the Exxon Valdez off Prince William Sound in 1992. The authors make clear the allegiances of people quoted in the story, while clearly explaining...
View Resource Testing the Waters: A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches

As Americans head for the beach, the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) issues its twelfth annual report on the status of beach and recreational water quality. Entitled Testing the Waters, the report offers readers a fifty-fifty appraisal of the nation's lake and ocean recreational beach sites. That is, while water quality overall is indeed improving in the United States, beach water quality...
View Resource The Living Lakes

Living Lakes Partnership, a nonprofit organization has a goal to "create and support a network within which local lake organizations can find critical kinds of assistance for promoting sustainable development in lake areas." Their award winning site highlights nearly twenty lakes around the world, describing their individual, watershed, and biological characteristics as well as the geologic and...