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Developed by amateur mycologist Dr. Michael Kuo with contributions from amateur and professional mycologists, MushroomExpert.Com is an excellent resource for a wide variety of mushroom enthusiasts. The site provides a genus and species index and search engine for detailed information on, and quality up-close photos of, over 330 North American Mushrooms. Individual species pages include brief...
The Terracotta Fungi of Francesco Valenti Serini (1795-1872)

Artistic models and mycology blend together through The Terracotta Fungi of Francesco Valenti Serini (1795-1872). This resource stems from a collaboration between researchers from the University of Siena, the University of Delaware, and Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena, Italy. The publication allows users to virtually enjoy a collection of life-sized terracotta models of fungal fruiting bodies,...