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(1 classification) (3 resources)

Civilization, Classical

Study and teaching (6)


View Resource BBC: Civilisations

The rise and fall of civilizations over the history of humankind is a difficult thing to accurately depict in graphic form, but this BBC online presentation is a wholly engrossing way to look at the transformation and dissemination of religions and ideologies. Guided by the presence of a virtual ant that weaves its way across the introductory screen, the screen displays a metaphorical phrase from...
View Resource Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World

Edited by Ross Scaife of the University of Kentucky and Suzanne Bonefas of Southwestern University, Diotima "serves as an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world." To that end, the two collaborators have placed a number of...
View Resource The Atrium: For Devotees of Ancient Greece and Rome

With the large number of quality ancient world sites already existing it is difficult for a new one to make room for itself. The Atrium accomplishes this by focusing on resources that connect the present and the past. Teachers can make good use of several features at this site. The Commentarium is a frequently updated journal that provides links to online news stories involving the ancient world....