Religion and ethics are some of the most debated areas of the human experience around the world, so it is fitting that the BBC has created this online clearinghouse of relevant information and news coverage about these two complex topics. The site contains a number of general interest sections that provide rich discussion of various world religions and a number of subjects in the field of ethics,...
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, this Website offers information and news related to bioethics (also called Medical Ethics) -- namely, the study of moral issues in the fields of medical treatment and research. In addition to providing a variety of continuously updated news stories on bioethics across the nation, the Website offers links to upcoming bioethics...
The idea for the Charter for Compassion came from Karen Armstrong, who is a former Roman Catholic nun who left a British convent to pursue a degree in modern literature at Oxford. In 2008 she won the TED Prize, and as part of this prize she wished for help starting the Charter for Compassion. Essentially, the Charter is "a cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more...
Dr. Ron Epstein of San Francisco State University has compiled this comprehensive online source of information on environmental ethics. The site is simply presented, consisting of a straightforward menu of topics that link mostly to related external Web pages. Topics covered include environmental effects of war, genetic engineering, cloning, indigenous peoples, and much more. While some of the...
Based at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), the Ethics Education Library seeks "to connect people interested in developing new and interesting ethics training methods and programs, to disseminate best practices and tools that have already been developed, and to ultimately foster the creation of new methods and programs for teaching students about ethical issues inherent in research and...
Dr. Edward F. Gehringer, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, NC State University has posted this website on Ethics in Computing. An interactive image of a map guides visitors through different topics covered on this website, so you can start with the Basics or jump right into one of the issue areas. The areas covered include: Social Justice Issues, Commerce, Computer Abuse,...
Given the constant barrage of rather trite material available from most major media outlets, the recent discovery of this fine site is a welcome breath of fresh air. Developed by Professor Lawrence M. Hinman as part of his Ethics Updates site (which has been online since 1994), this part of his main site is dedicated to providing high-quality lectures and discussions from prominent philosophers...
Since 1995, the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy has been a source of peer-reviewed information about the field of philosophy. The encyclopedia is continuously updated by a variety of philosophy scholars, offering the public with an increasingly useful one-stop shop for major philosophy concepts. One highlight of the Internet Encyclopedia is this thorough page dedicated to Ethics, a field...
Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York, Religion & Ethics Newsweekly has been a PBS fixture since September 1997. The program takes on the important subjects of religion and ethics in a manner that is rather engaging, and the same can be said of their very fine website. Users can listen to the entire weekly show in its entirety, or download it and take it with them on their personal audio device....
Probably everything you always wanted to know about stoicism but were too stoical to ask is available on this Website. The brainchild of Western Kentucky University philosophy professor, Jan Garrett, the Stoic Place gives a fairly detailed introduction to the ideas of ancient and modern stoics, clearing up some misconceptions along the way -- such as the notion that stoics were supposed to be...