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Ecosystem management

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United States (10)


Baltimore Ecosystem Study

Many ecologists work to understand how various parts of a given ecological system work or function with other systems in their vicinity, but relatively few attempt to bring together all of this work with major urban areas. One such impressive project is the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, which aims to understand metropolitan Baltimore as an ecological system; and in doing so, bring together...
Biomes of the World

The Missouri Botanical Garden offers this colorful and appealing Web site about Earth's biomes and aquatic ecosystems. Designed for kids, Biomes of the World offers loads of well-presented information on rainforest, taiga, tundra, desert, temperate deciduous forest, and grassland, as well as freshwater and marine ecosystems. Each biome or ecosystem includes pages of photos and facts covering...
Coastal Protection & Restoration: State of Louisiana

The Coastal Protection & Restoration office provides material support and research on the wetlands and coastal areas of Louisiana. Their work includes a long-term master plan for protecting these unique resources, information on flood insurance, and materials for teachers. On their homepage, users will find links to Projects, Teacher Resources, Deepwater Horizon, and News. First-time visitors may...
Foodweb Kerplunk

This educational game produced by the Yale Center for Computational Ecology offers a highly interactive and engaging way to get a feel for the complex interrelationships of food webs. In Foodweb Kerplunk, the user plays the part of a town council member in suburban California, trying to protect native chaparral wildlife against the pressures of urban sprawl. Although Foodweb Kerplunk is designed...
Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences

This title from the National Academy Press (NAP) is accessible in its entirety online. Requested by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and written by the National Academies's National Research Council, this report identifies and describes eight important areas of environmental research for the next generation. Not in order of importance, these challenges are Biogeochemical Cycles, Biodiversity...
Ichthyology - Florida Museum of Natural History

Given its proximity to numerous large and biologically diverse ecosystems, it is not surprising to learn that the Florida Museum of Natural History has developed such a lovely website that corrals a great deal of interesting and interactive materials on the study of fish. From the homepage, visitors can dive into the ten or so topical headings, include those dealing with sharks, tropical fish...
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

In the wake of the April 2000 World Resources Institute (WRI) report entitled "People and Ecosystems: The Fraying Web of Life" (described in the April 26, 2000 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), scientists are preparing to launch the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) -- a major international collaborative effort to map the health of the world's ecosystems. Slated for release in September...
NASA Earth Observatory Mission: Biomes

This fun, interactive website was designed by NASA's earth observatory to introduce students to the Earth's Biomes. A biome, as defined by the site, is "a community of plants and animals living together in a certain kind of climate." This website provides links to seven different biomes that students can learn about including coniferous forests, grasslands, and tundras. Each separate biome page...
National Estuaries Day

Get the most out of National Estuaries Day (October 5, 2002) by visiting this Web site from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Follow a link to Estuary Live!, which offers online interactive fieldtrips through a number of estuaries around the nation. Guided tours of eight estuaries will be webcast live October 3 and 4, supplemented by videos from a number of other...
National Invasive Species Management Plan

In February 1999, an Executive Order by President Clinton established the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) to take a leadership role in dealing with invasive species issues. As part of that order, NISC has prepared a plan "to minimize the economic and ecological impacts and the harm to animal and human health associated with invasive species." This document, "National Management Plan:...
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