Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) is a collaborative project between Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Princeton University, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, Telcordia Technologies, and NEC Laboratories America. Affiliate members include Avaya Labs, HP Labs, IBM Research, and Microsoft Research. Their focus is on the development, application and...
Some of the most fundamental problems in engineering, science, and mathematics would take the most powerful computer in the world several lifetimes to find an optimal solution. However, near-optimal solutions to many of these problems have been discovered thanks to various methods of mathematical optimization. This Topic in Depth looks at some optimization techniques and the areas to which they...
A professor and two graduate students at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur "have discovered a polynomial time deterministic algorithm to test if an input number is prime or not." News of their work was released on August 6, 2002. Because it allows a computer to quickly assess a number's primality, this breakthrough has generated considerable interest in the mathematics and computer...
This collection of Java applets comes from a mathematics professor at Kennesaw State University. Most of the utilities are used to demonstrate graphical representations of different kinds of equations. For example, the Quadratic Functions section contains applets that let the user change the values of the equation's parameters, and the graph is updated to show how the underlying function changes....