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A Glossary of Political Economy Terms

Authored by Paul M. Johnson, political scientist at Auburn University, this Website serves as an excellent online reference for students of political economy. There are over 200 definitions here of relevant terms, including capitalism, communism, market economy, tariff, supply side economics, law of supply and demand, macroeconomics, and many more. The entries feature hypertext links to related...
As summer travel ramps up, there is hope and some uncertainty for the peak travel season in the United States.

Location is key to sting of summer gas prices Summer leads to shifts in economy Orlando tourism businesses look ahead to summer vacation travel...
CyberEconomics: An Analysis of Unintended Consequences

CyberEconomics is developed by Robert Schenk, Professor of Economics at Saint Joseph's College. The site is meant to be "an interactive supplement to a principles of economics course." CyberEconomics covers most of the topics in introductory microeconomics and macroeconomics. A short explanation of each topic is provided and at the end of each topic there is a review section consisting of multiple...
Dead Economists Society

This site was created by John McGinnis of Penn State University, as a tribute to classical liberal economists. Defined by McGinnis as those who "champion free markets, limited government, and the private property order," the site provides links to short biographical sketches and writings of classical liberal economists such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Hayek von Mises, Benjamin Franklin and John...
Economics Network of the Higher Education Academy

The Higher Education Academy has a number of well-developed databases of materials designed for educators, and the Economics Network is one that should not be missed. The homepage includes a brief introduction to the network and an area designed particularly for newcomers to the site. On the right hand side of the homepage, visitors can take in economics podcasts and learn about new case studies,...
Economics Working Papers in Oxford

As the home of one of the world's strongest economics departments, it stands to reason that the working paper series at Oxford University would also be quite impressive. It is, and economists, policy analysts, and others will find much to occupy their time on this site. The papers are arranged chronologically, and first-time visitors might do well to take a look through some of their more recent...
Economist’s View

If you’re looking for a mountain of information, opinions, trends, and skirmishes on economics, this site is for you. Granted, it’s not the most flashy site, but it showcases an incredible array of authors, from Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman to Fed Chair Janet Yellin. Assembled by Mark Thoma, an economics professor at the University of Oregon, there is no end to the fascinating debates you can...
Handbook in Economics

The Handbook in Economics site is provided by Elsevier, the publisher of the series. The site features an overview of the various Handbooks, a table of contents, and chapter summaries. Contents can be browsed or searched.
IDEAS: Internet Documents in Economics Access Service

Christian Zimmerman of the Center for Research on Economic Fluctuations and Employment (CREFE) at the University of Quebec at Montreal, recently established the IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service) site as a new end user interface to the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) project at the well known NetEC (discussed in the January 10, 1997 Scout Report) meta resource. IDEAS is an...
Junior Achievement Student Center

Junior Achievement is an organization that is more than 90 years old and "dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs." The Junior Achievement Student Center website focuses on "money management", "work readiness", and "business ownership". Visitors can play online "Games", such as "JA Titan", "JA...
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