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Marine resources conservation

Australia (2)
Exhibitions (1)
Research (1)
Study and teaching (2)
United States (3)
Web sites (1)


1998: The Year of the Ocean

This week's In the News section deals with the Year of the Ocean. The six sites discussed provide information of various types about, and related to this topic. The United Nations declared 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean to bring attention to the "importance of the marine environment."
An Ocean of Story Maps

Story maps offer viewers a highly visual medium that incorporates text, multimedia, and (of course) maps into their narratives. Here, the GIS software giant Esri has curated a collection of approximately fifty stellar story maps related to ocean science and ocean conservation that are sure to provide interested visitors with an informative and engaging experience. As Esri explains, these story...
CSIRO Marine Research

Offered by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), CSIRO Marine Research Web site contains multiple levels of valuable information. The organization's mission is to "understand its oceans by conducting research in the sustainable use of Australia's marine resources, the ocean's role in climate, and the effective conservation of the marine ecosystem...
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch

Seafood Watch of the Monterey Bay Aquarium contains an array of resources that are designed to help consumers make good choices when shopping for and consuming fish and seafood. Guides are available for all 50 states and there's also an app that consumers can use to guide their seafood choices. Other sections of the site provide information on ocean issues, such as the impact of overfishing,...
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

If you've ever been to the central coast region of California, it's hard not be impressed with the natural beauty of the various landforms, vegetation, and animal life around the area, and we haven't even started talking about what's in the ocean. Created in order to preserve and protect this unique habitat in 1992, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) is larger than either Yosemite...
New Study Documents the Dramatic Effect of Industrial Fishing across the World's Oceans

In a study published in the journal _Nature_, co-authors Ramsom Myers and Boris Worm concluded that 90 percent of the world's large fishes have disappeared from the world's oceans over the past fifty years, attributing this phenomenon to industrial fishing. Utilizing data from the past 47 years, Myers and Worm looked at the precipitous decline in the populations of species such as tuna, marlin,...

The first Web site (1) is the online counterpart to Discovery Channel's famous Shark Week, offering sharks facts, images, and games. The Underwater Times presents the latest shark-related stories from online news sources in this Web site (2). The next Web site (3) is the home page of the Shark Research Insitute, which promotes sharks as a sustainable natural resource for the dive tourism industry....
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

How does the United States government work to protect the nation's fish, migratory birds, aquatic species, and public lands? Part of this job is accomplished by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Strategic Habitat Conservation (SHC) program. First-time visitors should look over the SHC Vision to get a sense of the program's formal mission and read a fact sheet about its activities. The Community...