The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a powerful government agency within the US Department of the Interior, administers 264 million acres of America's public lands, primarily in the western US states. For those interested in what, exactly, the BLM does in order "to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations," this...
In 1965, the US Congress created the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) "to preserve open space, develop recreation opportunities, and assure that all Americans have access to quality outdoor recreation." The Land and Water Conservation Fund receives $900 million annually, mainly from ocean oil drilling revenues. However, as much as 85 percent of each year's Fund is diverted for purposes...
The idea of creating conservation districts through the support of private landowners was one that had gestated for decades before the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) was formed in 1946. Currently, there are over 3000 conservation districts throughout the United States, and the NACD effectively acts as a unified voice that represents the interests of these districts and also...
From the National Resources Conservation Service and the US Department of Agriculture, the recently released 1997 National Resources Inventory provides a statistically-based account of "conditions and trends of soil, water, and related resources" on US non-federal lands, including data on wetlands, conservation practices, farmland, land use, and more. The makers claim, "it is the most...
From the Natural Resources Defense Council, this website has the latest news from the Hill, plus information everyone needs on the state of our air, water, land and health. Initial contents include "State of Nature," a regular bulletin on environmental legislation; action guidelines; and findings on subjects ranging from children and environmental carcinogens to the pollution of U.S. coastal...
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) offers The Bush Record -- "the real story on this administration's dealing on environmental issues, from NRDC's scientists, lawyers, and policy experts." The main Web page highlights the administration's most recent actions. Readers may also access related reports, search The Bush Record by date, and find out how to get involved with the NRDC's efforts...
The Tall Timbers Research Station works to foster land stewardship through its research, conservation, and education efforts. Located in Tallahassee, Florida, the Tall Timbers Station conducts research in the areas of Fire Ecology, Resource Management, Vertebrate Ecology, Forestry, and Northern Bobwhite Quail studies. The Station's website contains overviews of its five major research programs and...
The Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) "provides local governments, activists, and watershed organizations around the country with the technical tools for protecting some of the nation's most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes, and rivers." The CWP website offers a number of online, open-access resources, including technical reports, case studies and watershed assessment protocols....
This Web site is the online presence of the Chesapeake Bay Program, "a unique regional partnership that has led and directed the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay." The site offers a wealth of information regarding the region's flora and fauna, habitats and ecosystem processes, restoration efforts, current events, and much more. For instance, click on Animals and Plants to access pages and pages...
The National Water and Climate Center, a division of the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), offers the latest water and climate news and information "to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment." Users can receive water supply forecasts, snow data, and the latest program updates. The web site introduces the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN),...