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United States (2)


Delaware Riverkeeper Network

"The Delaware Riverkeeper and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network stand as vigilant protectors and defenders of the River, its tributaries and its watershed committed to restoring the natural balance where it has been lost and ensuring its preservation where it still exists." Users can learn about the group's extensive efforts to protect the water quality of the 13,539 square mile watershed. The...
Manure Management for Water Quality: Costs to Animal Feeding Operations of Applying Manure Nutrients to Land

This Web site contains a June 2003 report from the Economic Research Service of U.S. Department of Agriculture. The report offers a detailed analysis of livestock and poultry manure management for water quality in the U.S. The studies included in the report occur on multiple scales: 1) a farm-level analysis of "on-farm technical choice and producer costs" across the U.S., 2) a regional analysis of...
Selected Water-Resources Abstracts

Maintained by the USGS Water Web Server Team, the Selected Water-Resources Abstracts Web site was compiled from several sources on the subject of water resources since 1977. Users can search by report number, keyword, author, hydrologic unit, state, and year. The database gives researchers easy access to specific information among the vast array of publications distributed by the agency.

The first site related to stormwater is provided by the Environmental Protection Agency. (1 ). Called Storm Water, this informative site provides a wide array of information and resources for citizens and professionals including a general description of the problems of stormwater, program information on protecting water resources from stormwater, and much more. The second site,Stormie's Clean...
The 3rd World Water Forum

Convened in March 2003 in Japan, the 3rd World Water Forum dealt with 38 interlocked themes concerning how to bring safe water and sanitation to the world. Considered the most important international water meeting to date, the forum hosted close to 24,000 persons from 182 countries. On this well-designed site, users can read various documents presented at the Forum, along with reading the daily...
The Boquet River Association (BRASS)

The Boquet River Association (BRASS) "is a small, 200-member, grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of water and life in the Boquet watershed" in northern New York State. The website features the erosion control projects and water quality studies taken on by the group. Users can find articles related to flooding, stream morphology, water quality, weather, and other...
The Color of Water

Provided by, the Why is Water Blue? (1) Web site starts off this Topic in Depth. Visitors will learn the factors that affect the colors we see, what color water actually is, and the basic physics and chemistry behind the phenomenon. This site is hard to beat for its clear explanations as well as its interesting photographs and illustrations. The second site, entitled the Common...
The USGS Water Science School

Chock full of information about water, the US Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Science for Schools is an enjoyable site for educators and students alike. From Water Basics to Special Topics, this easily navigable site teaches students about the importance of water in their everyday lives. Visitors confused about terminology can refer to the glossary, a tool that defines terms used within the site...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Surf Your Watershed

This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website allows users to locate, use and share environmental information about their state and watershed. Using the interactive map, users can locate their watershed and discover geologic, chemical, and geographical information. Visitors can learn how to adopt a watershed and locate citizen-based groups. The Watershed Atlas provides data and...
Water on the Web

Scientists and professionals from numerous organizations have collaborated to provide college and high school students with a plethora of tutorials and modules to help them "understand and solve real-world environmental problems." Users can find two sets of curricula: Basic Science for high school and first-year college students; and Water Science for second-year technical students or...