Authors Guild Sues Google, Citing “Massive Copyright Infringement”
Google Blog: Google Print and the Authors Guild
Google sticks its finger in the Wi-Fi Pie,39024665,39152509,00.htm
The Google Print Library Project: A...
With the recent shut down of the peer-to-peer file sharing utility Audiogalaxy, copy protection of all kinds of data is a very hot topic. Distribution of music, movies, and software is running rampant, and many believe the solution lies in better copy protection.
To learn the basics of copy protection, visit Link Data Security (1). This company specializes in secure products that reduce piracy,...
Designed and created by Linda Joseph, a library media specialist who works with the Columbus, Ohio public school district, CyberBee is a site dedicated to helping young people learn about using the web for research and assisting teachers with the process of using web-based materials in classroom instruction. One nice feature of the site is the Primary Source of the Month, where users can view a...
In this report regarding the transition to digital television released August 9, 2002, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) addresses the need for copy protection of digital broadcasts. In particular, the main topic is the development of a broadcast flag that will "mark digital broadcast programming so as to limit its improper use." The implications of the broadcast flag are discussed in...
Section 104 of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) required the US Copyright Office to conduct a study to begin "an ongoing evaluation by Congress on the relationship between technological change and U.S. copyright law." This report focuses on three areas traditionally handled under copyright law that have changed in the digital world: first sale doctrine and the related issue of...
This online edition of a book published by the National Academy of Sciences is an example of its subject matter as it explores the issue of intellectual property in a digital age. The book examines the question of what happens to copyright issues when innumerable numbers of people can download a book (or a song, e.g., through Napster) from one copy on the Web? (Apparently, the National Academy of...
On Monday a three-member panel from the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that a lower court decision requiring Napster to immediately halt music swapping was "overbroad." This week's decision was anything but a victory for Napster, however, as the panel instructed US District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel to craft a narrower injunction that would still require Napster to block...