A great feature from the Why Files, this Web site introduces the research of plant biologist Charles Arntzen of Arizona State University, a pioneer in the development of edible vaccines. Written in entertaining and readable Why Files style, this easy-to-navigate Web site explains how edible vaccines are made, how they work, how they may significantly increase vaccination rates in developing...
This week, two significant announcements were made at the World Alzheimer Congress, a gathering of more than 3,000 experts in Washington, D.C. On July 11, scientists at Elan Pharmaceuticals reported that a vaccine that reverses some of the effects of Alzheimer's has cleared its first test in humans. Since the first observation by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906, researchers have long noted the...
Concerns about child vaccines continue to rise and it's great to have objective and thoughtful analysis of this matter from medical professionals. This systematic review was originally published in the August 2014 edition of the Pediatrics journal and now has found its way to the RAND Corporation’s website. Authored by a team of medical professionals, the report looks at a range of existing...
The July 2003 issue of Smithsonian Magazine includes a feature article about the West Nile Virus. The article offers an in-depth look at the work of a group of scientists as they "race to develop vaccines against the scourge while others probe the possible lingering effects of the mosquito-borne infection." The 7-page articles may be downloaded free of charge. The site also includes links to...