The events of September 11, 2001, left many Americans turning to cherished and long-held beliefs about their respective faiths, and still others doubting the existence of a divine presence. This site is the Web presence of a recent television special produced by Frontline, in conjunction with WGBH and PBS, exploring some of those issues. Through first hand interviews with survivors of the attacks,...
With over 4 million adherents (most of whom live in India and across Southeast Asia), Jainism is one of the world's oldest religions. Developed and maintained by Professor Yashwant K. Malaiya of Colorado State University, this site contains a number of links that will be quite helpful to those seeking to learn more about this religion that places a premium on non-violence, reverence for all life,...
Security was tight in northern Nigeria today, as armed police guarded mosques after days of religious rioting that have left hundreds dead and widespread destruction. While sparked by Christian opposition to the introduction of Sharia, or Muslim law, in the Nigerian state of Kaduna, most observers blame both sides for the rioting. Africa's most populous nation (115 million), Nigeria contains over...