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United States -- Social life and customs

1865-1918 (1)
1945-1970 (1)
Museums (1)
Periodicals (2)
To 1775 (1)


American Notes: Travel in America, 1750 - 1920

While Alexis de Tocqueville's, Democracy in America may remain one of the most important and compelling commentaries on the American condition, the American Memory project at the Library of Congress has compiled this wonderful collection of 253 published narratives by Americans and foreign visitors from the period of 1750 to 1920 for the convenience of the Web-browsing public. The criteria used to...
Witness to the Early American Experience

What was the early American experience like in New York? How can anyone accurately tell such a story? The people at New York University's Fales Library, working in conjunction with the New York Historical Society have done quite a job via their extensive holdings. As the homepage states, "here you can explore the history of New York through the words of those who lived it." The materials on the...