Released in February 2000, this 79-page report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) maintains that approximately 500 civilians lost their lives in 90 separate incidents as a result of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia last year. The number of deaths is much higher than admitted by the NATO governments, and much lower than the Yugoslav government's claims. Based on a three-week investigation of 42 sites in...
The latest reports from Human Rights Watch (last reviewed in the July 13, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences) examine the violence against Serbs and Roma in Kosovo. This eighteen-page report documents a wide variety of human rights abuses committed against the Serb minority and Roma population by ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. The report is accompanied by a brief photo essay.
Released on 1999 December 6, two new human rights reports from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) document extensive human rights violations in Kosovo. This page provides access to the reports, a background paper, and a press release. Totalling more than 900 pages, the reports reveal human rights abuses on both sides of the conflict. The first report "presents...
This new item from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) comes from the Association's Science and Human Rights Program. The report offers a new approach to human rights analysis by "contextualizing the claims made by witnesses with analysis of objective administrative data," namely statistical records of a particular border post, official records of refugee movements, and...
This week's In the News returns to Kosovo, where humanitarian workers and government officials warn that the refugee crisis is rapidly spinning out of control. What appears to be an organized and systematic expulsion of the ethnic Albanian population from Kosovo has created the worst humanitarian disaster in Europe since World War II. According to UN refugee officials, over 220,000 persons have...