The Informative Graphics Corporation offers an excellent educational aid/tutorial. Human Anatomy On-line presents an interactive environment for the end user through the use of Java applets, over one hundred images, and animations. What makes this site so interesting is its use of descriptive links which provide names, information, and in some cases a link to an image providing a closer view....
Hosted by John Hopkins School of Medicine, this hypertext on Interactive Respiratory Physiology was developed by Dr. Wilmot C. Ball Jr. of the Physiology Department, and staff at the Office of Medical Informatics Education. The site offers informative Tutorials and Interactive Lab Exercises that include: Static Elastic Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall, The Mechanics of Quiet Breathing,...
Mitochondria are often described as the powerhouses of cells, and this rather fascinating course offered at MIT looks into the role they play in human diseases. The materials here are from the Spring 2011 version of "Powerhouse Rules: The Role of Mitochondria in Human Diseases" taught by Professor Daniel Ferullo. The course is one of the advanced undergraduate seminars offered by MIT's Biology...
Offered through the John Moran Eye Center at the University of Utah, this Web site aims to "summarize the recent advances in knowledge and understanding of the mammalian retina." The Web site is arranged simply in a book-like fashion with chapters headings leading to well-referenced text and illustrations. The information presented is quite comprehensive, and would serve as a useful educational...