The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the US Department of Energy maintains the Energy Glossary Web site. The glossary provides energy terms and definitions as used in EIA reports, on EIA survey forms, and by the energy industry. Users browse the terms and acronyms alphabetically to locate the specific word they're interested in. Examples of these include Adjusted Electricity,...
The California Energy Commission's Web site contains a great resource entitled the Glossary of Energy Terms. If you're interested in energy topics or happen to come across an unfamiliar term, this tool will be of great use. Simply choose the letter of the term and hope that it's included -- for example, DAYLIGHTING, which is defined as "The use of sunlight to supplement or replace electric...
The Soil Science Society of America's maintains the Internet Glossary of Soil Science Terms Web site. Visitors will find a searchable and browseable dictionary of hundreds of soil terms. Other resources include tables, which include terms for describing consistence of block-like specimens, pore size classification, and soil water terminology, as well as appendixes on soil taxonomy. A new feature...
This site, part of which is an adaptation of the sixth edition of Professor Emeritus John W. Kimball's Biology, is a hypertext dictionary specializing in cell and molecular biology, from absorption spectrum to zygote. Each entry may contain a definition, cross links to other definitions, or mini-essays about the topic. The mini-essays are the most effective part of the site, dealing with their...
This glossary, replete with biological terms, was developed to support the many fine exhibits presented by the University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP). In addition to supporting UCMP exhibits, the glossary is a useful stand-alone resource for students investigating a variety of subjects. The glossary is organized into nine scientific fields including Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology,...