Created by Professor Doug Linder of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, this site tells the stories of twelve famous trials from American history with a mix of images, primary documents, and Linder's own analysis and overviews. Some of the trials featured include the "Scottsboro Boys," the Chicago Seven, the Rosenbergs, the My Lai Courts Martial, and the Scopes "Monkey" trial. Most...
This online collection, containing approximately 105 documents, raises a miniature magnifying glass into a corridor of Americas past and discloses the experiences of African and African American slaves in America, with a few cases involving Great Britain. The documents, which were taken primarily from the Law Library and the Rare Book and Special Collections Division of the Library of Congress,...
With the assistance of New York University Libraries and private foundation grants, Jeff Kisseloff, a cultural historian of the cold war, maintains this highly informative and well-stocked Website on the Alger Hiss case. Hiss was a State Department official in the 1930s and became the subject of intense scrutiny by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) after being accused of spying...