Although wildlife management is not the central focus of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) mission, numerous EPA programs complement and support efforts to conserve birds and their habitats. To that end, the Office of Water at the EPA has launched this new Website to point interested users towards related EPA (and other) programs. From wetlands to water quality, the specific EPA sites...
Division of Endangered Species of the US Fish & Wildlife Service has made available the following items on their Library Server: The List of Threatened and Endangered Species, The Plant Notice of Review, The Endangered Species Act of 1973, and Species Maps.
In this new report from Cornell University, researchers David Pimentel and others discuss how "invading non-indigenous species in the United States cause major environmental damage, public health problems and cost the nation more than $122 billion per year." The report assesses the magnitude of the environmental impacts and estimates economic costs associated with non-indigenous species invasions.
From the Natural Resources Defense Council, this website has the latest news from the Hill, plus information everyone needs on the state of our air, water, land and health. Initial contents include "State of Nature," a regular bulletin on environmental legislation; action guidelines; and findings on subjects ranging from children and environmental carcinogens to the pollution of U.S. coastal...
Housed at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) is a consortium of ten federal government agencies and 150 non-federal cooperators (including nonprofit organizations, resources management consultants, soil scientists, biologists, botanists, concerned citizens, gardeners, etc.). Together, Plant Conservation Alliance cooperators work "to solve the problems of...
This Web site is the online presence of the Chesapeake Bay Program, "a unique regional partnership that has led and directed the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay." The site offers a wealth of information regarding the region's flora and fauna, habitats and ecosystem processes, restoration efforts, current events, and much more. For instance, click on Animals and Plants to access pages and pages...
From the Wilderness Society, this 40th anniversary edition of _The Wilderness Act Handbook_ was released in May of 2004. The Handbook "sets forth the relevant laws, regulations, and policies that govern the creation, expansion, and management of the National Wilderness Preservation System. The Wilderness Act is printed out in its entirety, along with interpretation and excerpts from and analysis...
"What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself." So reads the entry quote (by Mollie H. Beattie) at the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Division of Realty page. The Division of Realty "supports the acquisition and management of Service Lands utilizing the Migratory Bird Conservation and the Land and Water Conservation Fund." To that end, the Division of Realty site...
This report, from the Economic Research Service, examines the differences between private and public incentives regarding wetlands. Central to the report is the recognition that society has recently increased the value it places on wetland services, from water quality improvement and flood control to wildlife habitat, and recreation. The report (.pdf format) "assesses the need for continued...