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Endangered species

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Protection (11)
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Animal Info

This impressive source for information about endangered mammals is the result of more than a decade of research by Dr. Paul Massicot, who spent 30 years working at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Site visitors can locate specific endangered species by browsing the Individual Species Index (either by common or scientific name). The species pages contain references, images, and concise...
Animal Info: Information on Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Mammals

Developed by Paul Massicot, this Web site provides a searchable database of information on rare, threatened, and endangered mammals from around the world. Users have a number of options for locating information, such as searching by species name (common or scientific) or browsing a list of common names grouped by category (e.g., monkeys). Once found, a species' page will contain a general profile...
Animal Planet Endangered Species

Fewer than 7,000 snow leopards are alive today. The world has fewer than 2,000 Yangtze Finless Porpoises. Only 60 Javan Rhinos remain. These statistics from Animal Planet's Endangered Species section are jarring, but not without hope. For each of the more than 40 species listed, the site curates a How You Can Help section, inviting action in a variety of forms, from supporting conservation...
Bagheera In the Wild: Classroom

This site is part a larger Bagheera website created by long-time journalist and conservationist Craig Kasnoff to educate people about, and support activism for, endangered species issues. The Classroom site features an Activities section which provides many short activity ideas under headings like Use Your Imagination, and Inquire, Analyze and Compare. In addition to general activities for...
California State University - Stanislaus: Endangered Species Recovery Program

This website features the Endangered Species Recovery Program (ESRP), "a cooperative research program on biodiversity conservation in central California, administered by California State University, Stanislaus Foundation." In addition to their team of approximately 45 biologists, students, research associates, and support staff, ESRP collaborates with experts from governments and universities from...
Candidate Conservation Program: 2001 Candidate Notice of Review

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) this week released their 2001 Candidate Notice of Review, listing plants and animals that may warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act. The Notice, which was last revised two years ago, is comprised of 252 species, 26 of which are new. The Notice also lists the 35 domestic animals and plants proposed to add to the list of endangered and...
Conservation International: Biodiversity Hotspots

From Conservation International, this Biodiversity Hotspots site (first reported on in the October 18, 2002 NSDL Scout Report for Life Sciences) "was re-launched in 2005 with completely updated information as presented in the new book _Hotspots Revisited_." The updated Hotspots website features profiles of more than 30 ecologically important areas of the world. Hotspots are categorized under five...

National Geographic magazine, long known for its educational maps and writing that is easily understood by a variety of readers, has added a feature to its Website. The first, Earthpulse, sponsored by Ford Motors, covers environmental conservation issues with features that change monthly. This month, readers can learn more about "humans and habitats," with an article on the state of the Penan...
Endangered Cats of North America

This newly online report (.pdf format) from the National Wildlife Federation takes a comprehensive look at wild cat species of the US and the major threats to their survival. The report indicates that "many of North America's cats are threatened or endangered; others have declining populations or face a more distant threat of local and regional elimination due to human development and other...
Endangered Species

This week's Topic in Depth focuses on a variety of themes related to endangered species around the world. The first Web site from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (1) includes a searchable database of threatened and endangered species worldwide. The World Wildlife Fund International Species Programme Web site (2) details biology, habitat, and threats to a...
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