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Environmental protection -- North America -- International cooperation.


View Resource Ecological Regions of North America: Toward a Common Perspective

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (discussed in the November 12, 1997 Scout Report for Science & Engineering) has just placed online this magnificent resource on the Ecological Regions of North America. Available in English, Spanish, or French, the publication may be browsed on-site or downloaded (.pdf format). Ecological Regions of North America was created as part of a major regional...
View Resource Hudson Bay Project: Ecosystem Studies and Conservation of Coastal Arctic Tundra

Over the past 30 years, the Mid-continent population of Lesser Snow Geese has tripled, causing degradation (from goose feeding habits) in large tracts of coastal wetlands in the Hudson Bay region (described in the October 28, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). The Hudson Bay Project is a collaborative research program examining the interactions of biotic and abiotic factors that lead to...
View Resource Taking Stock: North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers 1995

This newly-online document from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) describes "encouraging signs of a drop in pollution" from the major North American industries. The report, available in .pdf format, provides "a continental picture of pollutant release and transfer data (PRTD), based on information provided by the three governments from their domestic PRTD inventories." Users may...