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Evolution -- Study and teaching -- United States


Learn.Genetics: Variation, Selection & Time

The Scout Report has profiled the Genetic Science Learning Center website from the University of Utah in the past, but the website's authors continue to add material of note. This latest offering looks into the genetic variables of variation, selection, and time. As the site notes, "In our ever-changing world, a naturally occurring genetic difference in an individual can become an advantage or a...
The Evolution Controversy in North Carolina in the 1920s

The controversy over teaching evolution has a long history in the United States, and this website does a nice job of exploring this controversy has it unfolded in North Carolina in the 1920s. The site includes key primary sources that describe many of the significant issues and events regarding the debate and they have explicitly made an effort "to select sources that reflect all viewpoints."...
The Evolution of Science Curriculum

A vote by the Kansas Board of Education on Wednesday will change the way science is taught in the sunflower state. The decision, to virtually do away with any mention of evolution from the school curriculum, is a huge victory for those espousing creationism. The fact that theories of evolution will not be included in state assessment tests may also discourage teachers from including material on...