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Chaotic behavior in systems -- Research


BBC News: Mathematicians Crochet Chaos

This article from BBC News discusses how two mathematicians made a crochet model of chaos. The mathematicians, whose research focuses on developing a computer model to describe complex surfaces, were able to represent the Lorenz equations using 25,511 crochet stitches. The pattern was published in the journal Mathematics Intelligencer and the mathematicians are challenging others to repeat the...
Center for Nonlinear Studies

The Los Alamos National Laboratory provides the Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) Website. The goals of the center are "to identify and study fundamental nonlinear phenomena and promote their use in applied research and to stimulate interdisciplinary research and information exchanges inside and outside the laboratory." Research topics include molecular dynamics, patterns in turbulence,...
Dynamic Equilibrium, Self-Organizing Systems, and Chaos Theory

It is commonly thought that the behavior of physical systems is controlled by deterministic laws, yet physical processes appear to be unpredictable. This Topic in Depth discusses how the concepts of self-regulating systems, dynamic equilibrium, and chaos theory help to rectify this conundrum. The first website ({1--}), developed by...