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Electrochemistry -- Experiments.


The University of Western Ontario: Shoesmith Chemistry Research Group

The Shoesmith research group at the University of Western Ontario deals with problems in electrochemistry and corrosion studies. With the extensive use of images and figures, this website highlights over ten of the group's projects including kinetics of copper corrosion conditions and the chemistry of nuclear fuel under Canadian Waste Disposal Conditions. Researchers can read about and view the...
University of Texas: Allen J. Bard Lab of Electrochemistry

Allen J. Bard's Lab of Electrochemistry at the University of Texas is interested in "the application of electrochemical methods to the study of chemical problems." The website offers lengthy lists of Bard's journal articles, patents, books, and other publications. Users can discover the lab's current research projects dealing with ultra-high-resolution electrochemistry; photoelectrochemistry at...
Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces Group

This website discusses the Warwick Electrochemistry and Interfaces' research dealing with "the application of electrochemistry to the understanding of fundamental and practically important interfacial chemical processes at the micro to nanoscale." Researchers can learn about the group's developments and enhancements of the electromagnetic techniques: Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM),...