Canadian Government Information on the Internet (CGII) serves as a reference guide to publicly available government information, providing access to a wealth of Internet-based resources. CGII consists of seven sections: Major Sites, Federal Information, Provincial Information, Municipal Information, Discussion Lists, Library Catalogues, and Electronic Journals. Each section contains an orderly...
The Canadian Government Online web site provides information of all kinds about Canada and its institutions. A government overview offers information about "key institutions" such as parliament, the ministry and Prime Minister, the Supreme Court, and Auditor General. Also included is information about Canadian symbols such as the name Canada and the flags, and maps, and fact sheets. However, the...
The Directory of Federal Government Enquiry Points is developed by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat as a source for addresses and phone numbers of 270 Canadian federal departments and agencies. Each listing contains general enquiry and fax numbers and, if available, "numbers for Telecommunications Devices for the Hearing-and-Speech-Impaired communications and publications units,...