Machine learning, when "computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data," is becoming a bigger part of the everyday life of most Americans in ways that are both embraced and debated. For example, websites like Facebook use machine learning for facial recognition, while banks use machine learning to monitor credit card fraud. Still, it can be difficult to...
Published in 2018 and now available as an open-access text, Machine Learning for Data Streams is a great guide for "data stream mining and real-time analytics." The book is authored by a group of computer science experts, Albert Bifet (Telecom Paris Tech, France), Ricard Gavalda (Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona), Geoff Holmes (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand) and Bernhard...
The needs of people with disabilities are often not captured in machine learning data, either overwhelmed by majority data or discluded as outliers. The team behind We Count includes AI professionals, disability activists, and scholars of disability studies who aim to develop data systems and machine learning strategies that include, understand, and serve people with disabilities and other...