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Computers -- Periodicals


CNET: The Computer Network

"CNET central" is a Web site, weekly programming newsletter, and a TV show. Probably the first Web site to have its own TV show (or is it the TV show that has the Web site? ) CNET central is a good site for selected technology news, columns, reviews, sites to see, and more. The TV show is broadcast several times weekly on the USA and Sci-Fi channels (times are listed on the Web site and in...
Mind & Machine

Mind & Machine is a weekly column provided by Ashley Dunn for the New York Times Cybertimes that discusses topics related to computing, technology, and the Internet. Recent columns have addressed the topics of the development of Internet telephony, possible futures of user interfaces, the history of technology and standards, and the Internet as a vehicle for community. Articles are well written,...
New York Times: Personal Tech

Circuits is a new New York Times weekly offering intended to enhance the newspaper's technology coverage. It contains regular gaming and computer columns, along with an eclectic mix of articles and essays that address in a general way the interaction between humans and technology. The first three issues contained articles on where computers go to die, music and jobs on the web, computer games for...
PC Magazine: The Future of Technology

This section of PC Magazine's Web site highlights some of the most fascinating and potentially revolutionary technologies that could be on the verge of large scale development. Of the nineteen main technologies that are featured, some have been widely publicized, such as hydrogen fuel cells and grid computing. Others are not as well known. For example, the article on e-bombs, or "high-power...
Top500 Supercomputer Sites

Twice a year, the Top500 Project releases a list of the 500 sites with the most powerful supercomputers. The purpose of the list is "to provide a reliable basis for tracking and detecting trends in high-performance computing." The latest version was unveiled in June, and this site examines some of the most important developments and newcomers to the list. Most important is the recently constructed...