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A Spectral Bundle Method for Semidefinite Programming

This article is available online from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics's Journal on Optimization (Volume 10, Number 3). It covers minimization of the maximum eigenvalue of an affine matrix function (real and symmetric) for application to large-scale problems.
Atrevida: Game Programming Tutorials

Although it is labeled as an introduction to PC game programming, the tutorials given on Atrevida additionally cover many aspects of mathematics and general computer science. A modest background in the C language is suggested, but many of the sections involve more theory than actual programming. There are nearly twenty topics that explain basic computer operation, graphics programming, and the...
Computer Aided Instruction Project

Central Connecticut State University maintains several tutorials and lecture notes about different programming languages and mathematics. Some of the material, most notably the Introduction to Assembly Language, is primarily intended for computer science students. However, much of the site can be useful for anyone; programming guides for Java and QuickBasic are provided, as well as tutorials on... Your Resource for C/C++ is an excellent site to visit if you are learning to program in the C or C++ languages. One of the best sections of the Web site is Programming Tutorials. This contains many lessons about regular C++ and graphics programming, discussions about the standard template library, and various programming articles. Some of the lessons include short quizzes to complement the presented...
Dr. Dobb's Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems is one of the specialized sites stemming from Dr. Dobb's Journal. In addition to serving as an excellent source of news and product development articles, the site is a portal to many other Internet resources on embedded system applications. Information tailored to specific programming languages, like C++, Java, and many others, is grouped into separate categories. There are also...
Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction

Extreme programming (XP) is basically a methodology of software development that maximizes programming efficiency. It can be used in any project by almost anyone, but is perhaps best suited for "small groups of programmers." This site offers a very thorough overview of the techniques involved in XP, beginning with a general introduction and explaining what it is and why it is beneficial. Then,...
MAE 10: Introduction to Engineering Computations

The Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) 10 course at the University of California at Irvine is a recent addition to their Open Courseware Initiative, and it is well worth a look. The main goal of the course is "to develop computational programming skills and learn computational tools to be used in the solution of engineering problems." The topics covered within the course materials include...
MIT OpenCourseWare: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

If you're hoping to test your mettle in the world of computer science, you'd do well to check out this informative and erudite course offered as part of the OpenCourseWare initiative at MIT. The course was created by Professors Eric Grimson and John Guttag, and it includes a syllabus, readings, lecture videos, assignments, and exams. The materials here are "aimed at students with little or no...
MSRI: Streaming Video Archive

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) maintains an impressive archive of streaming video lectures and presentations. This site contains archives of the videos from various workshops and special topics held before 2004. From the Fall of 2002, of particular interest is the "Introductory Workshop in Quantum Computation." It consists of fifteen lectures, each with complete textual slides...
Python Programming Language

Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java and runs on many brands of UNIX, on Windows, OS/2, Mac, Amiga, and many other platforms. The most recent version of Python is available for free from this website. Also included are Python 2.3.3 Documentation (released December 19, 2003), the interpreter program that reads Python programs and carries out their instructions, tutorials for...
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