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Bubble Chamber

This worthwhile news site was created and edited by Jim Flanagan as an alternative to the mainstream technology news sites, which seem to focus more on technology business news than anything else. As Flanagan puts it, "I'm a technologist, not an investor, and so I'm much more interested in the Web of Ideas." To that end, his site posts brief summaries and links to the full text of articles...

Like the Scout Report, provides privileged access to Web-based resources by seeking out, evaluating, and reviewing Web materials for its target audiences -- professionals in technology-related or driven fields. It does a very good job of assessing and listing what's out there, presenting its treasure trove of top picks in a readily accessible short list of key industry categories,...
Top500 Supercomputer Sites

Twice a year, the Top500 Project releases a list of the 500 sites with the most powerful supercomputers. The purpose of the list is "to provide a reliable basis for tracking and detecting trends in high-performance computing." The latest version was unveiled in June, and this site examines some of the most important developments and newcomers to the list. Most important is the recently constructed...
University of Houston Libraries

Nancy Buchanan and Jennifer Atkinson at the University of Houston Libraries created this site to provide a comprehensive listing of index, abstract, bibliography, and table of contents services in the fields of Arts and Humanities, Sciences and Technology, and Social Sciences. The list currently contains seventeen subject specific categories under the three main fields with more than twenty coming...