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Engineering -- Computer-assisted instruction


View Resource A Virtual Engineering/Science Laboratory Course

Michael Karweit of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University created this online laboratory to simulate engineering and science laboratory projects. The site is used in a course entitled What is Engineering?, a beginning science and engineering course. The experiments and exercises use JAVA to create interactive simulations. Certain experiments also include MPEG movie...
View Resource John Hopkins University: Signals Systems Control

The demonstrations given on this Web site are a collection of Java applets and RealAudio clips that explain many underlying concepts of math and engineering. They were developed at John Hopkins University for a project that attempts to use the technology of the World Wide Web in engineering education. Students, under the supervision of electrical and computer engineering professor Dr. Rugh, have...
View Resource Materials Engineering

The Gateway Engineering Education Coalition consists of a group of universities that are concerned with providing high-quality educational resources in the field of engineering education. Their site contains a number of topical sections that deal with the different branches of this field. This particular section deals with educational resources in the area of materials engineering, and visitors...