Created by David Liao, this site offers a way for scientists, educators and others to investigate biological systems using a physical sciences perspective. On the site, visitors will find video tutorials, classroom fact sheets, and a set of helpful illustrations. First up, is the section dedicated to providing resources for folks interested in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry and pre-calculus. Here...
In an era increasingly awash with numbers, how can one parse it all out? How is it possible to separate the proverbial quantitative chaff from the valuable wheat? Carleton College has taken on this weighty matter with their Quantitative Inquiry, Reasoning, and Knowledge Initiative (QuIRK). On the site, visitors will find sections that include Curricular Materials, Quantitative Reasoning...
For readers who love data - and the visual representation of data - this site from statistician Nathan Yau will provide hours of brainy entertainment. Readers may like to scout the site by Categories, such as Visualization (Seeing data), Statistics (Analyzing data), and Maps (Seeing geographic data), among others. They may also explore Recent data representations, which, at the time of this...
Since 1972, the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago has been surveying U.S. residents about a number of policy issues and social trends as part of the General Social Survey (GSS). Survey topics range from participation in organized religion, attitudes toward freedom of speech and other civil liberties, and ideas about gender roles. On this website, visitors can...
Readers interested in learning more about how the Pew Research Center collects and analyzes its data and creates its visualizations may want to check out Pew's blog Decoded, hosted on Medium. Launched in June 2018, Decoded describes itself as providing "the 'how' behind the numbers, facts and trends shaping your world." Many articles in Decoded include how-to explanations for using software like R...