Readers curious about the science behind science fiction may want to give the Flash Forward podcast a listen. This podcast's tagline is "possible & not so possible futures," and that's exactly what listeners will find. Each episode offers an in-depth exploration of a different future scenario. Some of these are extremely speculative, such as what would happen if space pirates suddenly dragged a...
Inspiring Science, a blog by a science enthusiast with degrees in plant genetics and evolutionary biology, seeks to make science accessible and exciting to a lay audience. It often succeeds. Words of Science is an especially captivating column. For instance, have you ever wondered what alluvium, petrichor, nychthemeron, or interstitial mean? These entries define and elaborate on scientific...
The Public Library of Science (PLOS) is a wonderful project that brings high-quality scientific research to anyone with an Internet connection. On this site, visitors can explore three different drop-down menus: Staff Blogs, Blogs Network, and Community. Staff Blogs offer readers a variety of chatty and interesting internal blogs, such as PLOS Biologue, along with several dozen independent blogs,...
Funded by the Science Media Centre, a science and technology journalism organization in New Zealand, Sciblogs is a collection of multiple science blogs addressing all aspects of science, including health, technology, and the environment. Visitors to this website can browse for blog entries of interest across all affiliate blogs via general topics. Alternatively, users can explore individual blogs...
ScienceBlogs does not rely on astounding graphics or an elaborate interactive feature for popularity. Rather, its undeniable utility and quality of content are what set this science blog apart from others. Its expansive database is consistently up-to-date with the newest blog postings from the humanities to the physical sciences, and everything in between. It's virtually a one-stop shop for...
The Last Word on Nothing is a group blog authored by some of the world's top science writers. The blog's name originates from a Victor Hugo quote: "Science says the first word on everything and the last word on nothing." In the spirit of this quote, the team behind The Last Word on Nothing seeks to explore scientific topics with "curiosity and humility." In one recent blog post, Craig Childs...
Wired has been covering technology, tech business, tech lifestyle, and tech products with its special brand of techno-utopianism and hacker wit since its inception in early 1993. It's Science Blogs section, however, is a relative newcomer. Here readers will find the latest in the science of natural disasters, the ins and outs of everyday physics, and explanations of everything from how to race a...