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Newspapers -- History -- 20th century


Discovery of the Pacific Northwest Series

Many decades ago, big city newspapers used to commission paintings, drawings, and special illustrations for commemorative issues, special events, and such. From 1954 to 1956, the Seattle Times Sunday Magazine published a 42-article series, "Discovery of the Pacific Northwest," and commissioned staff artist Parker McAllister to offer up dramatic interpretations of these heroic events. Through this...
South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program

Based at the University of South Carolina Libraries, the South Carolina Digital Newspaper Program (SCDNP) is part of a concerted effort to preserve the printed culture and record of the palmetto state for future generations. Since 2009, the SCDNP has digitized a number of key newspapers with the assistance of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress. An interactive map...
Winona Newspaper Project

What is the story of a small town if not the one told by its newspaper? For much of the past couple of centuries, small towns around the United States have celebrated life, death, anniversaries, new developments and much more in these modest broadsheets. This digital collection from the Darrell W. Krueger Library at Winona State University brings together three newspapers from the late 19th and...