The American Library Association (ALA) has created this excellent resource for those seeking to learn about books that have been challenged around the United States. These lists have been compiled by the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom since 1990. Users can dive in by browsing the listings on the left-hand side of the page including Authors By Year, "Banned & Challenged Classics," and "30...
We originally featured this resource in the 9-29-2017 Scout Report as part of our special issue focused on Banned Books Week. In addition to the titles mentioned below, readers can also browse George Orwell's 1984 and Alice Walker's The Color Purple.
Many of the books that have been banned or challenged over the years are also considered literary classics. In honor of a previous Banned Books...
Each year, the ALA's Office of Intellectual Freedom (OIF) releases its list of the most frequently challenged books. To compile this list, the ALA relies on librarians, readers, educators, and others across the country to report instances of challenges and censorship. However, a March 2011 survey indicates that roughly only 20% of cases of book challenges were reported to ALA. In January 2017, the...