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Tourism -- United States


As summer travel ramps up, there is hope and some uncertainty for the peak travel season in the United States.

Location is key to sting of summer gas prices Summer leads to shifts in economy Orlando tourism businesses look ahead to summer vacation travel...
City of Cambridge: CityViewer

What is the best way to experience the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts? You could read a history of Harvard University, take a walking tour, or perhaps browse a topical website. But why not look at the Cambridge CityViewer for edification? This unique tool "allows the public to view, query, mark up, and print custom maps using only a web browser." Notedly, the viewer works best with Internet...
Route 66 Oral Histories

The folks at Missouri State University have interviewed a range of business owners along the celebrated Route 66 to tell the amazing story of what life was like living along this American landmark. Visitors can read through interviews with a variety of people, including the long-time owner of the Boots Motel in Carthage, Missouri and Sheldon and Julia Chaney, owner of a popular gas station. It's...