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Geography -- Computer network resources

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Spatial data analysis is an important tool for geographers, planners, sociologists, and others, and this well-designed site by the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University will be a real boon to anyone with an interest in Africa. As the introduction to the project notes, this site helps interested parties "accumulate both contemporary and historical data supplied by researchers and...
Collections with Maps | Library of Congress

The Library of Congress maintains the online map collection Web site which contains maps from 500 years in seven different categories. The site, entitled Map Collections: 1500-1999, can be browsed by cities and towns, conservation and environment, discovery and exploration, general maps, transportation and communication, military battles and campaigns, and cultural landscapes. The database can be...
Countries A to Z

The free access portion of the Atlapedia Online site, Countries A to Z, provides an attractive political and physical map of each country of the world, including basic information such as its capital, system of government, population, geography, climate, religions, languages, currency, modern history, trading partners, exports, military, and more. Giving students of any age access to interesting...
Earth and Moon Viewer

Developed by John Walker, the Earth and Moon Viewer supplies updated, interactive maps for the World. Visitors can observe the Earth's Cloud cover, topography, Water Vapor, land and sea temperatures, and more. These maps can simulate views of Earth from the Sun, Moon, and satellites in Earth's orbit. Visitors will also find maps presenting the day and night regions at the moment. Anyone looking...

With the recent announcement that American students are falling further and further behind in their knowledge of the world, the Geoexplorer site is truly a sight for sore eyes, especially to those attempting to impart geographical and geophysical knowledge to young minds. Alive with information of all sorts, Geoexplorer supports research and learning at all levels, with maps, images,...

Maintained by educator David Rayner, the GeoResources Web site is a clearinghouse of quality geography links and other geography related information. The sites, which are geared toward kids age 7-9, contain subjects such as soil and erosion, rocks and weathering, earthquakes, volcanoes, rainforests, deserts, rivers, climate, weather, maps, and energy, to name a few. Each heading contains a list of...
Graphical Locater Home Page

Daniel Goodman of the Montana State University Environmental Statistics Group designed the Graphical Locator Home Web site as an aid for acquiring and refining location data and related measures. Visitors will find several helpful geographical resources including a township-range-section converter, UTM converter, and a degrees-minutes-seconds converter. Although the tools do not necessarily cover...
Guide to Mostly On-Line and Mostly Free US Geospatial and Attribute Data

The University of Arkansas Library offers the Guide to Mostly On-Line and Mostly Free US Geospatial and Attribute Data Web site. The main page contains a list of every state and related links to available geospatial and attribute data. For example, Wisconsin contains over twenty sites from a variety of sources such as the US Geological Survey and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Besides...

Operating under the motto of "Trust Us", ibiblio is a collaboration of the School of Information and Library Science and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Ibiblio is billed as one of the largest "collections of collections" on the Internet, as it contains links to sites that deal with arts and recreation, geography, history, natural...
Internet Geography

Created by teacher Anthony Bennett, the Internet Geography Web site seeks to be a center for shared geographical resources and knowledge. A wide range of information and teaching tools can be found here, including links to original works that describe general physical, environmental, human, and economic geography subjects. Special sections of the site are geared specifically for students and...
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