The Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE (discussed in the February 9, 1996 Scout Report) has added the first in what will be a series of library literature, Michael Buckland's Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto. Buckland argues against what he sees as library literature's over-emphasis on technology for technology's sake, "on means, rather than on ends, and tactics rather than strategy."...
Library User Interface Issues is a new list aimed at librarians, user experience strategists, and other professionals to discuss usability issues with regard to "online subscription resources in the library environment." Launched by Liz Linton, Electronic Resources Librarian at Sweet Briar College, the goal of LUII is to improve the usability of existing and future services. List information and a...
This article, provided by Walt Crawford of the Research Libraries Group in Online's January 1998 issue, makes a powerful argument that paper will continue to be an indispensible information medium in the forseeable future for both libraries and people in general. Among its conclusions: future information will be available in paper, electronic, linear and hypertext formats, and libraries will...
"Libraries and Museums in the Digital World" was the topic of the Webwise 2010 Conference in Denver, CO. The proceedings were faithfully recorded and offered as a webcast so that visitors who could not attend could still listen to all the lectures and discussions. Some of the topics that were covered at the conference include "interoperability, the future of collaboration, standards & best...