This report, posted May 14, 2001, from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), prepared by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, presents the results of a national study to examine the efficacy of prison privatization. The report looks at the factors that have contributed to the increase in prison populations (which has in turn fueled the movement to privatize prisons) as well as the role...
"Privatizing Social Security: The Troubling Trade-Offs," by Gary Burtless and Barry Bosworth of the Brookings Institution, argues that most of the "economic advantages of privatization can be obtained in either a public or a private retirement system." The Social Security system currently collects more in taxes than benefits paid out, with the excess held in the Trust Fund. But this is expected...
"Privatizing Social Security: The Wall Street Fix," by Dean Baker of the Economic Policy Institute, argues that "Social Security is sound now and will continue to be sound indefinitely," and sees privatization as a serious threat. The Social Security system currently collects more in taxes than benefits paid out, with the excess held in the Trust Fund. But this is expected to change in 2014 when...