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Evolution -- Periodicals


Genetics Selection Evolution

The Genetics Selection Evolution journal was created by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in 1960, and this site offers scientists and others online access to its contents. The primary focus of the journal is to present "original research on all aspects of genetics and selection in both farm and experimental animals." The journal is part of the BioMedCentral network of...
Science Daily: Evolution

Founded in 1995, Science Daily has been delivering breaking sciences news from over 20 years and draws more than 6 million monthly visitors, among them students, educators, and amateur aficionados from around the world. The special section, Evolution News, narrows the focus of the periodical's wide coverage to topics related to evolution, such as genetics, sexual selection, and biological...
The Scientist - Multimedia

The Scientist magazine is written for life science professionals, but promises it to be "concise, accurate, accessible, and entertaining." The magazine's online version has a great Multimedia section on its website that has "Videos," "Slideshows," and "Infographics." Visitors shouldn't miss the story titled "Bat Hunt" from the January 2012 issue, which profiles a mammologist working in the South...