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Provided by the British Geological Survey, the Earthquakes Web site contains numerous educational topics for kids. Best suited for junior high school students and older, the site contains information on macroseismology (or the observable effects of earthquakes on people, buildings, and nature); seismic hazards; earthquake monitoring; recent and historical earthquakes; and more. Other links on the...
Induced Seismicity Bibliography

This site, hosted by attorney and author Darlene Cypser, contains a bibliography of references dealing with induced seismicity; that is, earthquakes caused by human activities such as mining, nuclear testing or petroleum production. The homepage contains an author's note explaining that most induced seismicity is not damaging, and provides a list of the bibliography's categories. The categories...
PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech

The PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech offers support of seismic instrumentation, maintenance of equipment, training, and logistical field support for seismology experiments. The website provides thorough explanations of the sensors, data acquisition systems, and other instrumentation. Researchers can find a users guide, schedules of the instrumentation, and forms to request the use...
Seismic Waves

The first site for this Topic in Depth comes from the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Technological University and is called What Is Seismology? (1). The site describes the basics of seismology, the various types of waves associated with it, and even contains a link that shows you how to make your own P and S waves. Next is the Earthquakes Overview site (2...
The Chesapeake Meteor

Presented by the US Geological Survey, The Chesapeake Meteor Web site chronicles the impact created by the meteor. The site explains how the sixth largest crater on earth was formed and also provides ten related lessons on its activities page. Educators will find lesson plans dealing with graded sediments and impact events, meteor showers, aquifers, Eocene astroblemes, seismographs, growing...
The Live Internet Seismic Server

As part of the US Geological Survey, the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory is responsible for installing and maintaining a global network of seismograph stations and collecting and distributing the data produced by these stations. The Live Internet Seismic Server (LISS) Web site provides this data free to the public from over fifty stations around the globe and is updated every 30 minutes. The...
The Seismological Society of America (SSA)

With members throughout the world, The Seismological Society of America's (SSA) goals are to "promote research in seismology, the scientific investigation of earthquakes and related phenomena, to promote public safety by all practical means, and to enlist the support of the people and the government in the attainment of these ends." Users can find out the latest seismological news as well as...
Tsunami Society

This Web site assists the international Tsunami Society in its mission to distribute "knowledge about tsunamis to scientists, officials, and the public." In the first section of the site, scientists can download articles from the 2002 and 2003 issues of the journal Science of Tsunami Hazards. Visitors can also view footage from tsunamis around the world. The second section of the site discusses...
Two on Global Earthquate Explorer

Created by the University of South Carolina and the IRIS Consortium, the Global Earthquake Explorer (GEE) "is an education and outreach tool for seismology that aims to make it easy for non-seismologists to retrieve, display, and analyze seismic data." The goal of the module, which can be downloaded on a Windows, Mac OS X, or Unix / Linux platform, is to use earthquake data to study specific wave...
US Geological Survey: National Earthquake Information Center

The National Earthquake Information Center offers a searchable database, near real-time earthquake coordinate information, and global seismograph station information, among other resources.
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