The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Web page offers dozens of useful resources for American Indian high school and higher education students. AISES is a private, nonprofit organization which nurtures building of community by bridging science and technology with traditional native values. Through its educational programs AISES provides opportunities for American Indians and...
Established 27 years ago, the Association for Women in Science is focused on ensuring the achievement of equity for and full participation of women in all areas of science and technology. At the Website, the user can browse through the Activities & Programs, Leadership & Career Development, Magazine and Publications, and Links to Related Sites sections. A highlight of the site is the job...
At this website, the History of Science Society promotes its efforts to foster the interests of science in a historical context and its social and cultural relations. Users can find information on jobs, fellowships, grants, and prizes. Scientific historians can learn about upcoming conferences and colloquiums. Prospective students can search the Guide to the History of Science to learn about...
An international non-profit organization, IAPWS is "concerned with the properties of water and steam, particularly thermophysical properties and other aspects of high-temperature steam, water and aqueous mixtures that are relevant to thermal power cycles and other industrial applications." Students can learn many basic facts about water and steam including the concepts of superheated and...
The Microscopy Society of America (MSA) was created at a 1942 meeting in the Sherman Hotel in Chicago. During its first fifty years, the MSA was entirely devoted to the electron microscope. Today, the organization is broadly concerned with a wide range of microscopes, and its website is a great place to learn about this work. First-time visitors should look over the Latest News to get a sense of...
Started in 1817, the New York Academy of Sciences works to bring together a broad range of scientists with the hope that they will "advance the understanding of science, technology, and medicine, and to stimulate new ways to think about how their research is applied in society and the world." First-time visitors to the site will want to begin by perusing the "Academy Spotlight" site which offers...
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) have created a site depicting the belief that "science and technology should be used responsibly in a way that contributes to justice and peace in human society and to the long-term well-being of the wider environment". Scientists can download reports that the group, consisting of 600 scientists, has written such as Cleaner Technologies: A Positive...
The National Academies of Science was created in 1863 to advise the US government in scientific and technical matters. The Academy and its sister organizations "provide a public service by working outside the framework of government to ensure independent advice on matters of science, technology, and medicine." The National Academies Web site offers timely news articles and event information, as...
Established by the U.S. Congress in 1863, the National Academies were designed to provide guidance to the United States government in the numerous fields of scientific endeavor. Over the past one hundred and forty years, the Academies expanded to include the National Research Council, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. To say that the Academies perform an essential...