The "Anaerobic Biodegradation of Organic Chemicals in Groundwater" report and database are available at this site. The report (.pdf format), by Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC), reviews anaerobic groundwater biodegradation literature "for 44 common organic chemicals (including BTEX, chlorinated aliphatic compounds, phenolic compounds, common freons, ketones, organic acids, and polychlorinated...
A new report from the US Geological Survey has been made available entitled Assessing Ground-Water Vulnerability to Contamination: Providing Scientifically Defensible Information for Decision Makers. The report provides a look at the common approaches used to scientifically determine the factors controlling the vulnerability of groundwater resources to contamination. The introduction states that...
At this website, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) educates children about the United States' largest source of water contamination - non-point source pollution. Students can learn how they can prevent non-point source pollution in their homes and when taking part in recreational activities. Users can find a variety of educational games and activities such as developing a rain gauge. The...
The U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources in Kansas presents its research on two major topics: "the fate, transport, and degradation of organic contaminants in the environment with special [focus] on nonpoint-source contamination from agricultural chemicals" and "the environmental issues of emerging contaminants and how they affect the water." After discovering the group's objectives and...
In many places, water for municipal and household use comes from underground aquifers. If the groundwater in such a place became contaminated, the consequences could easily affect entire cities or more. How does something like this happen? This classroom lab resource offered by Science Friday opens with a ten-minute video explaining one example of this very situation, which occurred in 2015 at the...